Yoga For Healthy Backs & Core
Course Details
- Day
- Tuesday
- Time
- 09:30
- Duration
60 mins - Dates
- 10 Sep –22 Oct 2024
- Sessions
- Seven
- Teacher
- Faye Koe
- Price
- £87.50 GBP
Join Faye once a week for this Yoga For Healthy Backs & Core class; adapted from her YHLB teachings. [Enrolment forms and health questionnaires are found below for completion please].
The Yoga for Healthy Backs Class teaches methods to ease back pain and flare ups, and encourages a daily practice to strengthen the core, abs and back; to reduce future injury. Read your yoga teacher’s blog (Faye) about how her lower back pain and sciatica affected her. Faye does not want anyone else to go through the pain and suffering she did, and if she knew the techniques used in this course, she may have recovered sooner and been able to find some comfort. So these classes comes highly recommended from your teacher and she will know what you are going through. Please contact us to chat about how we can help you. We also have yoga videos to support your home practice.
Back pain and discomfort is a common problem. It’s estimated that 8 out of 10 people in the UK are affected by back pain at some point in their lives with around a third of the population suffering an episode of low back pain each year. It can be debilitating. Our natural instinct may be to rest and be still; but the best way to improve lower back pain is to keep moving and learn to strengthen the back and abdominal muscles, “the core,” through a series of yoga postures, and to use breathing exercises and relaxations to soften the affected areas.
The Yoga programme has been proven to be effective for chronic lower back pain. It consists of weekly sessions. The sessions are gentle, effective and holistic – allowing you to learn and implement the long-term benefits of yoga. Each week has a different focus and techniques are taught, including: How to alleviate back pain or a back pain flare up; how to lift and move safely, yoga relaxations, and some core sequences to encourage a regular home practice. Faye focuses on postural improvements, alignment and symmetry of the body, mindfulness and awareness of the body, and relaxation techniques, which are easily incorporated into everyday life. Research from a multi-centred clinical trial led by the University of York found that significant benefits were experienced by the participants who suffered from non-specific chronic and recurring lower back pain.
At the moment we are running these classes once a week for 60 minutes Do please contact us for further information. Thank you.
Faye is a specialist Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs tutor. The exercises are all gentle, safe and effective. They are in fact an ideal foundation for newcomers to yoga, even if you only have occasional back pain, as you will learn the basics of most aspects of yoga and you will be taught how to practise simple yoga at home. In addition, owing to its focus on pelvic realignment, postural correction, gentle stretching, strengthening and relaxation, most of the classes are recommended to postnatal women.
Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs
Professional standards of quality-assured care, support and advice is offered by YHLB registered teachers, such as Faye Koe, providing this specific ‘best practice’ back-care yoga course. The Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs Course trains high quality, already-trained and experienced yoga teachers from different schools and methods of yoga in how to deliver the ‘Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs’ programme. The programme is accredited nationally by the yoga governing body for Sport England and Sports & Recreation Alliance, British Wheel of Yoga, as a Recognised Centre of Excellence for Training and Standards and is also a member organisation of the British Council for Yoga Therapy. The YHLB Register of Teachers can be viewed on
Please also visit for more information about this exciting ground breaking clinical trial and evidence-based specialised yoga programme.
Please note, you will be given free access to Faye’s yoga channel: Yoga For Healthy Lower Backs.
This holistic motivational 12-week course is designed to:
- Teach how to self-manage for the long-term
- Address stress-management and relaxation skills
- Encourage an increase in physical activity, appropriate to the individual
- Teach postural awareness and mindfulness
- Aim for other, additional to lower back health, positive physical and mental health outcomes
NICE Draft Guidelines regarding its review of how NHS professionals should treat patients with low back pain stated in the first sentence of its Press Statement 24th March 2016 that:
‘The draft guidelines recommends exercise in all its forms (for example, stretching, strengthening, aerobic or yoga), as the first step in managing low back pain.’
The above recommendation was majorly influenced by our H. Tilbrook et al and LH Chuang et al research papers evaluating the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of our group Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs course. We welcome this first step to accepting yoga has a role to play in mainstream healthcare in the UK.
Why Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs?
You know exactly what you will get – the same yoga, taught in the same way, according to the same educational materials, as in the research itself. No need to wait until your next back episode recurs, before starting the course.
The classes are designed to give you long-term benefits. You will be taught to bring postural improvements, mental focus and relaxation techniques into your daily life. In the research, benefits were still found a year after starting the yoga. 9 months after a 12-week course had finished, the majority of the research trial’s yoga group were still practising yoga at home approximately 30 minutes twice a week.
Expect to pay more for these therapeutic classes than for general yoga classes because they are taught in smaller groups but with its educational, single course, self-management approach, Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs is considered to be cost-effective.
Workplace Evidence-based Yoga for Reduced Absenteeism and Cost-Savings.
The research showed days off work reduced by approx 70% over a year from this single, lifelong self-management, 12-week course. Support valued employees by helping them to improve their health with cost-effective education provided regularly by an experienced teacher. Promote long-term healthy lifestyle choices effectively by giving staff tools to keep working creatively, energetically, productively, collaboratively and happily.
Reduce the impact of back pain and stress-related conditions on workforce and business – published research showed how offering a Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs course was estimated to save £817 per annum per person in productivity lost (based on an average salary).
Ask your GP whether this gentle, evidence-based, specially-modified yoga course is appropriate for you—show them the website. The course x 60 minutes per week comprises easy foundation yoga poses. Props such as a yoga block, blanket or belt are used to aid effectiveness and to ensure absolute comfort.
Outside Surrey? Visit to find other Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs Courses at the Register of Teachers teaching this same specialised classes —350+ in England, Wales, Scotland, Ireland, France and more.
Why not try our free yoga video to ease out lower back pain. Many of the exercises shown are included in the Yoga for Healthy Lower Backs Course. We hope you find that the exercises ease your lower back pain.
Enrolment forms
If you have access to a printer, please kindly print and complete these forms and bring them to your first class. If you do not have access to a printer you can complete them at class, but please expect to stay a bit after the class to do so. Please may we have a brief preliminary chat prior to the course start to ensure the course is suitable for you. Please call Faye on 07837343251.
- YHLB registration and booking form
- Roland Morris Questionnaire
- Bournemouth Pain Questionnaire
Before Your Class
Empty Stomach
Yoga is practised on an empty stomach, so try not to eat for 2-3 hours before a class. this will make your practice more comfortable.
It is best to practice yoga in bare feet, so please take off your shoes and socks. Our feet have tiny receptors on the bottom, so we can feel the earth beneath us. Practising in bare feet also helps our balance and provides a natural grip. Try to wear loose, comfortable clothing, so that there are no restrictions around the limbs, joints, or waist and try not to wear a hood. A top with an elastic waistband is also a good idea so clothing doesn’t ride up, when you are upside down. Before commencing your practice please remove spectacles, watches or any jewellery. Please wear layers, especially if you are practicing yoga outside or taking part in the more gentle classes to ensure that you remain warm and comfortable.
The only things that you will need include: A bottle of water and a yoga mat and eye pillow; the latter if you like to use it in your relaxation; and you can think about buying blocks, belts, bricks, blankets, for your home practice. You can borrow our blocks and belts in class. In the more flowing and tougher classes and workshops you may also like to a towel. In the gentle classes you may like to bring a blanket for warmth and comfort. If you need some extra padding under knees, for example, try folding up a blanket and you can also make a bolster by rolling up a towel and blanket together to place under your knees in savasana when you relax.
Do please ask if you need to borrow anything so that we can make sure you have all you need.
Tell the teacher if it’s your first class—you probably won’t be the only one. If you do have a pre-existing health problem or conditions, please tell your teacher as there are ways to adjust the postures to suit you. Please listen to all instructions and be kind to yourself.
Early arrivals are fine
Please try to attend your class a few minutes early. Being early is on time. Consider being prompt as part of your practice. There is nothing worse than feeling stressed before you start.
Turn off your phone
Please turn off your phone so that you do not disturb your own practice.
During Your Yoga Class
Everyone learns at their own pace. And we are all made differently so some people are naturally more flexible, supple or stronger than others. Do your best, but let go of a competitive mindset.
Always remember to breathe in and out of your nose unless asked to do otherwise; but if you have trouble doing this, breathe through your mouth. Some classes will include different types of breathing/ pranayama techniques, so give them a go and please ask your teacher if you need more guidance.
Throughout your yoga practice try and be aware of what you are doing. Try to concentrate on the sensations you feel in the body and on your breath.
Don’t pull or strain
Never force or strain. Relax briefly between each posture if you need to. If you feel pain or strain, stop. Listen to your body. As you do yoga more regularly, you may notice that you become increasingly supple and stronger. Don’t think that you have to move to the deeper versions of postures given. Stop at the level that suits you.
Injury or illness
If you have an injury / illness / medical condition, you should advise your teacher. If your medical condition changes then it is for you to let the teacher know of any changes or deterioration in your condition. If in doubt please also consult you GP / medical adviser.
If you feel unwell please rest and do not attend class. It is a way of the body telling you to rest and be kind to yourself.
Some people advise that you don’t do inversions, for example: handstands, shoulder stands, headstands; and alternative positions will be provided in class. Menstruation should not prevent you coming to class, unless you feel weak or unwell.
Please tell your teacher if you suspect that, or if you are, pregnant. If you find out you are pregnant then we strongly recommend that you rest until your first scan. Your body may naturally tell you to rest in any event! From around 13/14 weeks you can rejoin the class, which can be adjusted to suit you. However, it is important to check with your doctor or midwife that yoga is suitable for you, at each stage of your pregnancy.
When you return to the studio your teacher may adjust you into a more suitable position or apply pressure so you are pushed deeper into position. If you would prefer not to be adjusted please let your teacher know before the class starts.
The class will end with a relaxation session. This is an important part of the class and students are encouraged to stay for the duration of the lesson. Relaxation gives the body an opportunity to assimilate all of the benefits of the postures you have just done; and also counteracts stress by activating the parasympathetic nervous system.
Enjoy and try again
We hope you enjoy our classes and hope to see you again. Do tell us if there is something that you particularly enjoyed or disliked!